The Kansas City Area’s Only Certified Recreational Tree Climbing Guide Service


Individual and group adventures for climbers of all ages

Programs tailored to your ability, agility and sense of adventure

Professional instruction and supervision

We supply all the climbing equipment and safety gear – We even supply the trees!

Take your adrenaline and self-confidence to a whole new level!


It’s Good for your physical fitness
It’s Good for your mental health
And it’s SO much fun!

Physical Fitness

Tree climbing engages various muscle groups throughout the body, making it a surprisingly effective form of exercise. As climbers use their arms and legs to ascend the tree, they're building strength, particularly in the upper body, core, and legs. The act of pulling oneself up the rope and maneuvering through the canopy also improves flexibility, coordination, and balance. Tree climbing provides an excellent cardiovascular workout, especially when navigating challenging terrain or climbing for extended periods. It's a fun and dynamic way to stay active and improve overall fitness levels.

Mental Health

Spending time in nature has been shown to have numerous mental health benefits, and tree climbing is no exception. Climbing among the trees offers a sense of freedom and escape from the stresses of daily life. The serene surroundings and fresh air promote relaxation and reduce feelings of anxiety and depression. Immersing oneself in the natural world can also foster mindfulness, encouraging climbers to be present in the moment and appreciate the beauty of their surroundings. Furthermore, the sense of accomplishment that comes with overcoming challenges and reaching new heights boosts confidence and self-esteem.

Appreciation of Nature

Tree climbing provides a unique perspective on the natural world, allowing climbers to experience trees and forests from a vantage point that few people ever get to see. From the treetops, climbers gain a deeper understanding of the interconnectedness of ecosystems and the intricate beauty of the forest canopy. They may encounter wildlife, such as birds and squirrels, in their natural habitat and observe the diverse flora that thrives high above the ground. This firsthand experience fosters a greater appreciation for the importance of conservation and environmental stewardship.



Trees Company Recreational Climbing facilitates exhilarating, unforgettable small group tree climbing experiences. Our adventures combine the thrill of scaling towering trees with an up close and personal encounter with Mother Nature’s many miracles.


With all of our experiences, the safety of the climber is our primary concern. We have a few simple rules to follow, and all of our equipment is rated for professional use.

The safety of the trees is also very important to us. Our climbing methods promote minimal equipment contact with the trees, ensuring they will be around to enjoy for decades.

Park & Rec Climb

Beginner tree climbing experiences for people ages 7 and up. We provide all of the necessary instruction, climbing equipment and personal protection required to safely ascend and descend up to 40 feet into a tree. All class sign-ups and schedules are coordinated by local parks & recreation departmants.

Camp Climb

Beginner tree climbing experiences in a camp setting. We will select and inspect trees on your camp grounds that are safe and appropriate for climbing. We work with your camp counselors to coordinate tailored climbing experiences for your campers, working within your camp schedule. Youth camps, religious camps, and Boy/Girl Scout camps are a few examples of the groups we work with.

Private Group Climb

Unforgettable private climbing sessions for your group, customized for your event. Some examples include festivals, corporate retreats, birthdays, family reunions, date nights and club gatherings. We can inspect and approve a tree in a location of your choosing or you can pick from several pre-selected trees in local city parks.

Advanced Climb

We offer a two-day instructional class for those climbers who have completed a beginner's climb with us, and are interested in learning to solo climb for recreation or as a stepping stone to  further training as a tree worker. Our basic tree climbing class covers the all of the topics necessary for solo climbing including tree assessment, safety, knots, equipment, tree entry, and moving rope climbing technique (MRT).

Aerial Retrieval & Other Services

We have experience performing drone retrieval, wildlife camera installation, animal rescue & renesting, and most any other tree climbing activity.

We DO NOT provide tree pruning or tree removal services.


John Wenzel

John is a dedicated tree climber who has scaled giants of the forests throughout the U.S., and as far away as South Africa. Hs is a recognized Facilitator & Instructor with the Global Organization of Tree Climbers (GOTC). Over the past decade, he has facilitated climbs for hundreds of beginner climbers at summer camps, recreation centers, festivals and private gatherings. John has trained aspiring tree workers in the basic skills of solo climbing, preparing them for the pursuit of advanced climbing & rigging techniques and ISA certification. He has trained college biology students to solo climb for the purpose of specimen collection for summer field study programs. John has experience in climbing and rigging in the film industry, and he has performed many drone recoveries, equipment installations and animal rescues & re-nestings.


© 2024 Trees Company
Recreational Climbing, LLC.